Palace Interior Design Inc. is a renowned manufacturer and retailer of high-quality Window Blinds and Shades, incorporated in 2002. Over the years, Palace Interior has earned its position among the best-known names in the South Florida window covering industry for catering to both residential and commercial window coverings needs.

Palace Interior transitioned from a manual system and third-party software to BlindMatrix. The business initially utilized an Access database and handwritten papers for estimates and orders. Scheduling was managed using FieldInsight, a specialized software. In 2018, they discovered BlindMatrix as a potential solution through internet research.
Magbiel Ortiz, the COO of Palace Interiors has mentioned that the company has benefited in leaps and bounds.
From leveraging faster data entry processes, and fewer human errors the BlindMatrix software assisted them with the relocation of resources into different areas, which further contributed to the increased profitability. Furthermore, they found the software highly customizable. He added, “We are more organised. Our response time is almost immediate. We have controlled our business in a way that we couldn’t before, which of course means more revenue.”